The 10 Words That Helped Me Survive 2020

Retreating within helped illuminate the learnings which decades of external noise had effectively dimmed.

Sangeeta Marwah, PhD
3 min readJan 11, 2021
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The first week of January brings a flurry of reflections about the preceding year. But, when that preceding year is 2020, you need more than your regular arsenal of retrospective understanding to achieve ‘annual closure’!

There’s just no way to say this with finesse: 2020 was a crapfest of epic proportions. It blindsided us, messed with our hearts and heads, and dashed just about every expectation of normalcy we had from it.

What does 2021 hold? Some believe this will be the year to redeem 2020’s havoc, others feel it just might be a continuation of the same. Me? I’m not holding my breath. If there’s anything this past year has taught me, it’s the power inherent in re-aligning your expectations such that the entire weight of your happiness does not dwell on any one occurrence, day, or … year.

With that having said, reflection is second nature to me and I certainly cannot let this past year go scotfree without reflecting the heck out of it. Without subjecting on you the intensity of my cerebral musings, I will keep it (somewhat) short and simple by sharing some of the words that not only kept me sane but almost more at peace…

